Ep. 9 Veteran Focus Talk: Steve

In this Episode, we invite Steve my x roommate for an intimate but hilarious conversation about his struggles with Crohn’s Disease. Also, find out how military commands are failing their service members when it comes to service members requiring a medical retirement. Who likes Taquitos from 7-11? Favorite flavor? All this and more on this weeks episode!

Episode 9 Show Notes


This week we sat down and talked to Steve about living with Crohn’s Disease.  Being in public health and always wanting to learn more I was excited about this particular interview.  My takeaway is the fact that Crohn’s is debilitating. I loved how he mentioned near the end of the episode the importance of keeping one’s mental health in check.  Learning about negative experiences from Steve and others at a major military medical facility came to a surprise to me. Earlier in the year my mother had major surgery there and had complications that she will live with the rest of her life.  Finally, I look forward to hearing more from Steve. More specifically, I cannot wait for my customized workout plan. As a flight attendant I am always all over the world, and due to also living with other conditions that impact my stamina and overall vitality of my body being unable to work out.  I accept the challenge to lose 20lbs, but I will be honest. I will miss delicious and fatty foods!

I will leave you with toilet with a view…


Military Medical License Policies

Based off of additionally research we have discovered that there is legislation that requires any person who is healthcare professional within the military be licensed to practice medicine.  Now, there is a circumstance that may allow for such licensure to have a waiver. In these cases the Secretary of Defense may waive such requirements via a waiver; however, through my research, there is no current evidence to support such reservations taking place within domestic military hospital facilities.  Finally, the commanding officer of each health care facility of the Department of Defense is responsible for ensuring that each person who is providing health care within such facilities meet the requirements further elaborated in the actual piece of legislation. There is a major takeaway from this, which is the fact that licensure can be from any territory, commonwealth, or state  (to include the District of Columbia). An individual physician may possess a license in a domicile that does not have more rigorous requirements and examination like a more progression and health-focused state/district/territory.


GovInfo. (n.d.). 10 U.S.C. 1094 - Licensure requirement for health-care professionals. Retrieved April 9, 2019, from https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/USCODE-2010-title10/USCODE-2010-title10-subtitleA-partII-chap55-sec1094/summary


I finally have my DD-214 thanks to the tremendous support from some extraordinary people at Navy Safe Harbor, Hunton & Williams, and USDA! Last Friday I received the email containing the long-awaited documentation and spent the weekend relaxing with some good friends! I honestly could not have asked for a perfect way to end my time in service. Thank you! Jason, Jairo, Jon, Requina, and Gladys for cut up Black Girl Magic Crop top that I wore to BENT! The Metro Weekly photographer snapped a pic! If I can find it, I will post it here!

If you feel you may qualify for Navy's version of the Wounded Warrior program, please click here for more information on the Navy Safe Harbor.


List of Services:

NSHF Services and Accommodations:

  • Respite care for enrollees and their families

    • Financial and Legal Services

    • Travel Expenses

    • Court Costs

  • Warrior Weekends

  • Housing/Rental Support

  • Support of Transition from Recovery/Rehabilitation

  • Family Support (i.e., Christmas Gifts, Family camps)

  • Adaptive Athletics

  • Housing Modifications

  • Vehicle Modifications

  • Specialized Equipment

  • Public Awareness

  • PTSD/Combat Stress Support and Education

NSHF Purpose:

  • Focus support and services toward US Navy and Coast Guard seriously Wounded, Ill, and Injured (WII) reserve, active-duty, and medically retired population

  • Focus support to the Navy’s Safe Harbor Command enrollee population and family members.

  • Fill the gaps and provide services not available through government or community avenues.

  • Raise awareness of the needs of WII Sailors, Coastguardsmen, and their families.

Supported Population:

  • All seriously wounded, ill, or injured Sailors, Coast Guardsmen, and their families

    • OIF/OEF Casualties

    • Shipboard Accidents

    • Liberty Accidents (MVAs, motorcycle accidents)

    • Serious Medical and Psychological Conditions (cancer, severe PTSD)

  • High risk non-seriously wounded, ill, or injured Sailors, Coast Guardsmen, and their families (on a case by case basis)

  • Families in Crisis

  • Special Interest