Ep. 15 Enjoy Your Problems
Join Rene and Patrick in this episode as Rene opens up and discusses some of the challenges he has faced now that he is no longer Active Duty. Also, find out Patricks' plan to become an elected official after he officially becomes a home buyer!
Ep. 15 Shownotes
Every so often, I get a sudden urge to travel and get away to reconnect with the unknown. In this weeks episode art, I used a photo I took on my last trip to Venice, CA, which I have dubbed my home away from home. Venice has such an amazing and authentic arts community that fed my soul as I walked around town and interacted with locals.
I remember walking along the edge of the water trying to capture content and a time lapse of the waves and surfers and came upon this surfer just taking it all in. Even though I don't have an ocean to wake up to every morning, I can still sit back and take it all in. Yes, financial hardships can drive anyone mad and push you to make unhealthy decisions, but that's a path I've taken in the past. This time around, I want to sit through the uncomfortable emotions and feelings this process is taking me through instead of finding ways to escape it.
A huge thank you to my friends and family who recognized my situation and stepped up to make sure I didn't fail. A special thank you to Tony, who sat me down, and reminded me that we all have bad days, bad months, or even a bad year but with the right support, you can always push through to the light at the end of the tunnel.
A huge thank you to Steve and Patrick, helping me keep this project alive and kicking, and for just being present through it all. Every memory has a journey behind it. It's up to you to decide if you want to make the journey a memorable one.
There are options for those that may not have any support from friends and family. I’ve listed a few links below for veteran resources. The first step is just asking for help. The worst anyone can say is, no.
If you have any ideas for a topic you would like us to discuss or you would like to come on to our show please send us an email or DM us through instagram.